The Best Daily Productivity System to Achieve Gigantic Goals

Know where to focus everyday to make massive impact.
Do you spend every working hour completing an endless list of tasks but still miss your target each month? This simple plan helps you manage your time and energy so you get more done. Growing a successful small business has a lot of moving parts. It’s hard to know what to focus on each day. You can reach your goals. Get the best daily productivity system to achieve gigantic goals.
Everyone wants to get more done. The problem is almost nobody has a system to be more productive.
This planner keeps you focused and virtually eliminates procrastination.
Begin with the end in mind.
Start at the bottom of the page. Living into an exciting story keeps you motivated to accomplish your mission. An easy way to define your story is through a hero’s arch. In a few sentences, create a story summary to remind you of where you were and where you are going.
First: Describe where or who you used to be. Did you feel unprepared? Were there obstacles in your way? This isn’t War & Peace, just a line about what you struggled with.
“After having an ill temper for years…”
“All my life I had oily skin…”
“My first 3 years in business I worked 16 hour days…”
Next: Tell about what you did or learned that moved you over the hurdle. Did you learn a skill? Take a class? Spend hours training? This is the part where you weren’t sure if you could, but you tried anyway and had a breakthrough.
“…this breathing technique leveled my mood swings…”
“…until I changed my diet…”
“…before finding a productivity system…”
Then: Explain where you are now or the type of person you have become. The hero of any story experiences a transformation. What has changed about how you see the world?
“… and I stopped yelling about every minor inconvenience.”
“… Now my skin is healthy and clear.”
“… so I get more done and stay focused on what matters.”
Finally: Declare what you are going to do with your new power. Hero’s use their struggles and transformation to help others overcome injustice. How are you going to make the world a better place so others don’t have to suffer?
“I’m on a mission to teach dads everywhere how to keep their cool.”
“I offer personalized nutrition classes so no one has to be embarrassed in their own skin.”
“Now I help people live lives of purpose and meaning so they achieve their life’s plan.”
Just like a movie clip generates excitement for an upcoming release, your story summary will keep you (and those around you) motivated and on track.
Not Your Ordinary To Do List
After reviewing your story summary it’s time to brain dump all the tasks. Notice this list is not called “to-do”. These are “secondary tasks”. This is the stuff you’ll do AFTER you get the important things done.
Without prioritizing the list with what matters most, it’s tempting to start checking off items to get a dopamine hit. And what do you do first? The easiest items, which are never the important ones!
Put everything on this list. Little things that just take a couple of minutes become distractions if you don’t write them down.
Save your brain power. Write everything down on your task list.
One last piece before we move to the top of the page. Appointments. These are straightforward. If there’s a meeting, lunch, haircut, or phone call scheduled this is where it goes.
(As a side note, guard your most productive time. Don’t allow meetings or trivial tasks to be scheduled during your prime operating hours. But that’s a topic for a different day.)
Review, Relive, Result
Not rest, relaxation and recreation, these three “R”s will give you a fresh reset every morning.
Start by reviewing your life plan and big 3 goals. Making sure you know where you’re heading and hitting the milestones along the way. By checking in regularly it’s easy to course correct before things get off track.
Before you get into your primary tasks for the day, ask yourself this question so you can avoid common pitfalls before you start. “If this was the second time I was living this day, what would I do differently?”
We can combat our own preferences and overcome them before they get in our way. Then the tasks we would normally avoid get finished instead of killing our productivity. (Brian Tracy wrote a whole book about it. Check out Eat That Frog.)
It’s almost time to get to the main course. Just one more question before we get there. Why are we doing all this, anyway? Take the time to remember why. What do you get to enjoy because you choose to work productively?
By completing your priorities you get bigger paychecks, or pick your kids up from school, or do the things you love. It doesn’t have to be a monetary reward. Your work matters. Don’t lose track of what it allows your life to look like.
If you look at these three items they line up with Viktor Fankl’s logotherapy model.
- A project to work on (goals to accomplish)
- People who love you (what you get to enjoy)
- Redemptive perspective on life (eating your frog)
Now you are ready to get it done.
Priority and Plan
Now set your three primary tasks for the day. The 3 step process is the same for each priority, but understand they are in rank order.
- What is the most important thing you need to accomplish today? What is going to make a difference in achieving your goal? Align your priorities with any deadlines, too.
- How long will you devote to this task without distractions? This may vary greatly depending on task, deadline and effort required. As you get started use your best guess and adjust as needed.
- What rest or reward will you get at the end of the time block? These vary greatly. A word of caution: the reward should not go against any of your progress. Too many people sabotage themselves with rewards directly opposed to their goals. (The reward for a 30 minute workout shouldn’t be cookies.)
Repeat the process for primary task 2 and 3.
I know this seems like a lot of prep work before you actually get to the primary tasks. But after just a few days of practice you’ll see this whole sheet can be filled out in just a few minutes.
What you achieve because you take a few minutes each morning means no more missed deadlines, your goals are achieved, and you stay focused and motivated. This is the best daily productivity system to achieve gigantic goals.
Achieve Gigantic Goals
Being productive is great, but working toward something meaningful keeps you motivated. Even on days when you don’t feel like getting out of bed.
To become unstoppable you need 3 things.
- Your Life Plan
- Your personal mission
- A powerful business mission
When those 3 things are in line, look out world! After you learn the best productivity system to achieve gigantic goals, create a powerful personal mission and start building the business everyone begs to work for.
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