The Simple Framework to Make More Money

Stop relying on coupons and discounts that kill profit.
Getting customers is hard. Most businesses rely on discounts and coupons to attract customers. What if you could attract customers without cutting into profits? Stop relying on sales, coupons and price slashing to bring in customers. Get the simple framework to make more money.
Clarify your message so customers actually engage. A CLEAR Message is key to cranking up your marketing and sales effort. (Both engines of the plane / give thrust.)

Every day, people are bombarded with information. Because they are being bombarded, they only listen to businesses that communicate simply and clearly.
- Our customers don’t understand exactly what we offer.
- Our salespeople can’t differentiate our products in the marketplace.
- Customers don’t buy from us, they go to the competition.
People survive by tuning out information. As much as 30% of the time is spent daydreaming as a survival mechanism.
How do we get customers to stop daydreaming and start paying attention?
Use Elements of Story to Engage Customers
Story is the most powerful tool to engage the human mind. It has been used for thousands of years to engage people. It will cause your customers to stop daydreaming and start paying attention.
When you learn to use the principles of story to clarify your message, customers will raise their hand and walk towards you so you never chase a sale again.
The process is actually pretty simple. It doesn’t take a literary degree or anything. Just knowing the 7 basic elements inside every good story. When I found the StoryBrand Framework almost 7 years ago it changed my company (and life) forever. We doubled 3 years in a row.
Imagine what your life will look like if your business has even a fraction of those results. In 8 weeks, you could start seeing more customers and higher sales.
The 7 Parts of Every Story
Start With a Character
In order to have a story it must be about someone. We won’t slow down to get into the weeds with each part. Just a surface level intro to prove the point.
The character always wants something. Jason Bourne wants to know who he is. The boy wants the girl. The princess wants to marry a prince.
Who Has a Problem
There is always something standing in the way of the character getting what they want. This is also where the story gets interesting. Without some sort of conflict the story becomes boring.
The black helicopters keep hounding Jason Bourne, the girl is supposed to marry someone else, the princess is locked in a tower… A problem has to be identified in order to keep the story moving.
And Meets a Guide
As the character starts to loose hope of getting what they want they meet a guide. The guide is the strongest character in the story.
There are two things the guide needs to connect with the character. They must exhibit empathy and authority.
Some notable examples of guides are Yoda from Star Wars, Haymitch from The Hunger Games, and Leonard from The Big Bang Theory.
Position your product, service, or company as the guide to help your customer win.
That Gives Them a Plan
Simple plans make a huge difference.
Break down the steps the customer needs to take to move forward. Even when you have a complex process or complicated procedure, creating a 3 step process will increase customer engagement.
Keep it focused on what the customer has to do and don’t get too bogged down with what you do.
And Calls Them to Action
Just knowing the plan isn’t enough. The character has to be compelled to move.
Often businesses want to accomodate everyone. Giving every option causes confusion and means customers don’t know what to do. So they do nothing!
Give them one action step. Call now. Schedule an appointment. Buy now.
It’s easy to see what to do in those examples. Stop giving customers too many options, call or email or direct message or text or send up smoke signals…. AHHH!
(One small note here: it doesn’t have to be the same CTA every time, but only give one each time.)
So They Achieve Success
The character gets what they wanted at the beginning of the story. Plus they realize they have transformed along the journey.
Create a great vision of the future that the customer will experience when they no longer have to suffer from the problem. To make more money in your business sell the outcome. Customers don’t want new things. They kind of want a solution to the problem, but mostly want what life will be like after!
And Avoid Failure
Without something bad that will happed if they don’t act, there would be no reason to take a risk.
Unlike success, you can be too heavy with failure. Customers need to be reminded they will continue to suffer if they don’t take your solution.
Leaving this out will mean missing sales. Be sure to include the stakes.
How Does It Work In Business?
The biggest mistake companies make from here is telling their story. They mistake story for history. Instead of telling your business’s story, make the customer the hero and positioning your business as the guide. Invite customers into a story and show them how you can help them win the day.
Look at a quick example to see how the 7 elements work to increase customer engagement so you make more money.
Moms everywhere want to feed their kids healthy dinners. The problem is there’s never enough time to cook, and fast food is full of fat, sugar and salt.
Dinner Done Wright home cooking knows you shouldn’t have to choose between an easy dinner and a healthy meal. We provide hundreds of families great tasting dinners every night.
Getting a stress free family dinner is simple.
- Call our team of in-home chefs,
- Pick your favorites from our menu,
- And enjoy a healthy meal the whole family will love.
Call now to schedule.
Make dinner your favorite family gathering again knowing everyone is getting healthy food and time together. The days of grabbing grease stained bags from a drive thru are finally over.
The Framework in Action
This simple framework to make more money follows each of the 7 elements of story. Read it again, I tried to make them obvious.
- The character who wants something: Moms everywhere want…
- The problem keeping them from getting it: The problem is there is never enough time to cook…
- Who meets a guide: Dinner Done Wright…
- And gives them a plan: Call our chefs, pick your favorites, enjoy dinner together…
- Then calls them to action: Call now to schedule…
- So they achieve success: Make dinner your favorite family gathering…
- And avoid failure: Grabbing grease stained bags…
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Anyone who can clarify a message will win in the marketplace. Why? A CLEAR Message will sell more products.
Use the simple framework to make more money. Once you learn the framework, you’ll be seen, heard, and understood, both in your company’s internal and external communication.
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